iOS interview questions (8)

Generics, LRU cache in swift
We are going to learn Generics in swift and LRU algorithm through this blog. It seems a hot question for 3rd or 4th round for iOS developer when your interviewer asks you to write a code on paper for…

iOS 2018 Series: Cracking iOS interview or Become iOS expert (8)

Generics & LRU cache in swift

We are going to learn Generics in swift and LRU algorithm through this blog. It seems a hot question for 3rd or 4th round for iOS developer when your interviewer asks you to write a code on paper for generic LRU cache, implementation language may vary as per interviewer knowledge…HAHAHA!! Hope you got a good interviewer :)

Generic code enables you to write flexible, reusable functions and types that can work with any type, subject to requirements that you define.

Generic Functions

func swapTwoValues<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) {
let tempA = a
a = b
b = tempA

The generic version of the function uses a placeholder type name (called T, in this case) instead of an actual type name (such as Int, String, or Double). The placeholder type name doesn’t say anything about what T must be, but it does say that both a and b must be of the same type T, whatever T represents. The actual type to use in place of T is determined each time the swapTwoValues(_:_:) function is called.

The other difference between a generic function and a nongeneric function is that the generic function’s name (swapTwoValues(_:_:)) is followed by the placeholder type name (T) inside angle brackets (<T>). The brackets tell Swift that T is a placeholder type name within the swapTwoValues(_:_:) function definition. Because T is a placeholder, Swift doesn’t look for an actual type called T.

Naming Type Parameters

In most cases, type parameters have descriptive names, such as Key and Value in Dictionary<Key, Value> and Element in Array<Element>, which tells the reader about the relationship between the type parameter and the generic type or function it’s used in. However, when there isn’t a meaningful relationship between them, it’s traditional to name them using single letters such as T, U, and V, such as T in the class below.

Instead of writing theories about generics, let see the use case but for those who need more details , please refer the link given below in this post.

Why do we need LRU Cache, even generic.. WHY ??

Lets think of its use in our applications..

  1. Show a list based on users usage.
  2. Order of features based on user usage.
  3. Application settings option based on frequently use of it.
  4. Creating touch biz screen on your android phone based on app usage of users.
  5. Showing large number of images on list view
  6. loading large text content on a memory

so many use case ..Right!!!

Lets start with the implementation of Generic LRU Cache which will take different kind of key , value pair and stored in it. Generic functions can work with any type.

We use two data structures to implement an LRU Cache.

  1. Queue which is implemented using a generic doubly linked list. The maximum size of the queue will be equal to the total number of frames available (cache size).The most recently used pages will be near front end and least recently pages will be near rear end.
  2. A Hash with generics as key and address of the corresponding queue node as value.

The Beginning..

Create a LRUNode class which will be a node for doubly linked list class. We will be storing key, value information of generic type , init method will help in initializing the class.

class LRUNode <K,V>
var key : K
var value : V
var next : LRUNode?
var prev : LRUNode?
init (key: K, value: V)
self.key = key
self.value = value = nil
self.prev = nil

we will implement a doubly link list which will help us in maintaining the information least recently used item, recently used item will be on headNode of doubly link list and least used items will go on tailNode of it.

To do so, we will implement a class called DLinkList and it will have two functions.

  1. addToHead which will take our node as input and add it to headNode.
  2. removeNode which will take our node as input and check whether its headNode, tailNode or inbetween node, based on it delete logic will work.
class DLinkList <K,V>
var headNode : LRUNode <K,V>?
var tailNode : LRUNode <K,V>?
init ()
func addToHead (node: LRUNode<K,V>)
if self.headNode ! = nil {
//Fetch head node in temporary store
let tNode = self.headNode
//assign previous of tNode so that we can insert node at start
tNode?.prev = node
self.headNode = node
self.headNode?.next = tNode
else {
self.headNode = node
self.tailNode = node
func removeNode (node:LRUNode<K,V>)
//=== used for comparision between node
if self.headNode ! = nil && self.headNode! = = = node {
if self.headNode?.next = = nil {
self.headNode = nil
self.tailNode = nil
else {
self.headNode = self.headNode?.next
self.headNode?.prev = nil
else if ! = nil {
//Node is not in start or end = node.prev
node.prev?.next =
else {
//If node is in tail position
node.prev?.next = nil
self.tailNode = node.prev

Swift provides two identity operators (=== and !==), which you use to test whether two object references both refer to the same object instance.

So we are ready with doubly link list.

The End..

lets create a hash map so that access to LRU will be faster. While implementing a generic hashmap we need to take care that key should be Hashable or not, and do we require value to follow NSCopying protocol.

LRUCache class will have a queue which represents a doubly link list, provides addToHead, removeNode functionality, hashTable dictionary which contain generic key and LRUNode as value in it. Multithread access has been taken care of using dispatchQueue and barrier flag.

class LRUCache <K:Hashable,V:NSCopying>
var capacity : Int
var length : Int
private let queue : DLinkList <K,V>
private var hashTable : [K : LRUNode<K,V>]
private let dispatchQueue : DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.init (label: "CacheQueue")
init (size:Int)
self.capacity = size self.length = 0 self.queue = DLinkList.init ()
hashTable = [K:LRUNode<K,V>]
subscript (key:K)->V? {
//Removing from where ever it is and making sure it will move to front in a doubly linklist

get {
var node : LRUNode <K,V>?
dispatchQueue.sync {
node = hashTable [key]
if node ! = nil {
self.queue.removeNode (node: node!)
self.queue.addToHead (node: node!)
if node = = nil {
return nil
return node!.value
set (newValue)
dispatchQueue.async (flags: .barrier)
if newValue = = nil {
if let node = self.hashTable [key]
node.value = newValue!
self.queue.removeNode (node: node)
self.queue.addToHead(node: node)
else {
                 self.hashTable.removeValue(forKey: self.queue.tailNode!.key)
self.queue.tailNode = self.queue.tailNode?.prev
if let node = self.queue.tailNode { = nil
self.queue.addToHead(node: node)
self.hashTable[key] = node

This implementation helps in understanding the concepts of generics in swift and LRU Algorithm implementation.

Using LRU Cache

let lruCache = LRUCache<String, Float>(size: 7)
lruCache[“India”] = 150000000

For more details on generics , click here: generics in swift

Bonus time:

What is the difference between private, public, internal, open, and fileprivate access levels in Swift 4?

In Swift encapsulation is achieved by using the following five access control keywords: private, fileprivate, internal, public, and open. These access levels either restrict or open access within the scope of a file or module. Let’s take a look at each of them from the most restrictive, private, to the least restrictive, open.

Private access is the most restrictive. If you define something as private it means it is private to that declaration scope and can’t be accessed from the outside.

Fileprivate access is the second-most restrictive. Defining something as fileprivate means that it will be only accessible within the scope of the file where it was declared.

Internal access is the default access level that will be set if you do not explicitly state otherwise. Internal means that this thing can be used anywhere within the module it was defined. Basically if you’re building an app, internal means it will be available anywhere in that app. If you’re building a library/framework, internal means it will be available within that library/framework but not outside from the app that uses the library.

Public access means that something can be accessed not only within the defining file and module but also from the outside module that imports the one where it was defined. Effectively, public declares a public interface for the module.

Open access means that something is public and can also be subclassed not only within the module where it was defined but also by whoever imports it.

Hope you like this article & is useful for people looking to find out the use of generics and implementation of generic LRU Cache, Please ❤️ to recommend this post to others 😊. Let me know your feedback. :)